Main concepts #
These two objects are two distinct objects interacting with two seperate APIs (Octoprint & PrusaLink) but are used together as that is what Team 302 has
SinglePrinter #
For printers running off of Octoprint API
Variables #
Type String #
- Static as “MK3”
Nickname String #
- Given nickname to the printer
Code String #
- Given 2 letter code given to printer (used in database)
State String #
- Current state of the printer Note: This has a partial implementation, recomended to reference octoprint state due to lack of updates
Printer Octoprint Printer Object #
- Used for core functions sending commands directly to the printer
The below items are not currently implemented with full functionality
User String #
- Current user printing
Current File String #
- Current file printing
Queue [Queue Object] #
- List of objects in queue to print
Methods #
Pause #
- Sends a command to pause the print
Resume #
- Sends a command to resume the print
UpdateState #
- Updates the state property of the object
Preheat #
- Preheats nozzle to 120ºC and bed to 60ºC (PLA)
Cooldown #
- Sets targets to 0 (cooldown)
UploadLocal(File path : String, File name : String, Uploader : String) #
- Only used during local testing and uploads files on the server to the printer
DisplayMSG(Message : String) #
- Displays a message on the LCD displays on the printer using M117 GCODE
Upload(Print : IndividualPrint, PrintImmedietly : Bool) #
- Printing immedietly isn’t mandatory and is assumed as true
- Takes file contents from print object and uploads them to the printer
- If it is to print immedietly, it selects it and sets current file and current user
Abort #
- Attempts to cancel the currently printing object
FetchNozzleTemp #
- Returns the nozzle temperatue Int
FetchBedTemp #
- Returns the bed temperature Int
FetchTimeRemaining #
- Returns the time remaining in a print in seconds Int
- If there is no time left, it returns -60 (-1 minute) Int This can occasionally show up at the end of a print where Octoprint puts the state as printing, but does not return any time remaining
Scheduler #
- Not used, old plans for an individual printer to optimize it’s print queue
PercentUsed #
- Returns the percent used Int (0-100)
NukeFiles #
- Not currently accessible through web
- Operation used to remove all files saved on Octoprint to free up storage space on each invidual printers computer
Mk4Printer #
Variables #
This was developed much later and now most values can be None until refreshed or updated, if it can be None, is designated with a ? at the endType String #
- Static value returning “MK4”
Nozzle Temp Int? #
- Returns stored nozzle temp in ºC
Bed Temp Int? #
- Returns stored bed temp in ºC
State String? #
- Returns stored state, refer to PrusaLink API
CurrentPrintID String? #
- PrusaLink determined ID of the current job
Progress Int? (0-100) #
- Current stored progress of transfer
The above items aren’t automatically updated when fetched, please use refreshData to get the most accurate information
IP String #
- The IP address of the given printer to connect to PrusaLink with
PortStr String? #
- Serial port on which to attempt a connection
Serial support was fully implemented and tested (On Mk3) however, at the time of writing, 7/29/2024, serial connections are not supported on the Prusa Mk4
Key String #
- API Key to be used with PrusaLink
Prefix String #
- Two charachter prefix defined in config
Nickname String #
- Given nickname for the printer
Transfer Int? (0-100) #
- Current transfer progress
Methods #
CMD(Command : String) #
- Sends a command over serial
Preheat(Type : String (Both, Bed, Nozzle)) #
- Sends serial command to preheat the bed and/or nozzle
Cooldown(Type : String (Both, Bed, Nozzle)) #
- Sends serial command to cool the bed and/or nozzle
ReturnHome #
- Sends serial command to return the bed to the home position
The above commands are implemented and tested (On Mk3), however at the time of writing, 7/29/2024, serial connections are not supported on the Prusa Mk4
Abort #
- Sends a serial command to abort if available
- Sends a PrusaLink command to stop
RefreshData #
- Refreshes all data setting them to none if data isn’t available
CheckUpdate #
- Checks if the system or PrusaLink can be updated
PushUpdate(Type : String (System, PrusaLink)) #
- Pushes update to the system or prusalink
FetchNozzleTemp #
- Refreshes data and returns nozzle temp
FetchBedTemp #
- Refreshes data and returns bed temp
Upload(File Text : String, Nickname : String, BGCODE : Bool, PrintRightAway : Bool) #
- Sets path based off of nickname and BGCODE status
- Sets upload state based on printRightAway
- Sends request to Mk4
PrintFileOnUSB(Nickname : String, BGCODE : Bool, Storage : String) #
- Selects print on USB to print
TransferStatus #
- Refreshes data and sends transfer status (0-100)
Stop #
- Sends request to stop current print job
Pause #
- Sends request to pause current print job
Resume #
- Sends request to pause current print job
State #
- Refreshes data and sends current state, refer to PrusaLink API